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There is a lot wrong with Stockport Council. Highly paid panjandrams think they are unaccountable and above the law. People who challenge them can be banned or even imprisoned:-
Below is an email from an external consultant Rob Peters of GVA Grimley, totally illegally suggesting political pressure be put on a planning committee to pass an application for a school to be put on to unremediated toxic waste. No-
£80,000 wasted!
"Comment: An outbreak of common sense
22 Apr 2011 09:19
Today we tell stories of determination in the face of bureaucracy. In Stockport, grandmother Kay MacIntyre stood fast against the confusing rules surrounding recycling bins. After having been told her garden waste would not be collected because she had left too much mud attached to her discarded plants, she refused to comply with the request to remove some of the contents."
But we can still afford thousands and thousands of pounds each month to provide highly paid panjandrums with luxury cars:-
And to pay for the puff pieces for the councillors in the Council Pravda:-
They moan about wasting £10 million on the bypass yet know they are wasting yet more on it.
Obviously, they are not serving the residents of Stockport as they should be if they provoke this sort of action. They are too arrogant to listen to the people who fund their fat cat lifestyle.
Only in Stockport!
I have yet to get any response whatsoever from the too highly paid Boylan. He is paid far more than the Prime Minister.