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Dateline 6/11/12
Extraordinary Council Meeting (aren't they all!)
I attended the Extraordinary Stockport Council meeting on 6th November 2012. It was called to debate the financial irregularties of £4.7 million at SMBC Arms Length Management Organisation -
There were some excellent speeches from the united opposition -
Two former LibDem Executive Councillors now having jumped ship to opposition parties, admitted their part in this financial scandal -
Madam Mayor, it must be pointed out, was wearing shoes which would have been rejected by Dame Edna as de trop. Fortunately, she is a strict disciplinarian, as when former LibDem and now People Matter councillor Patrick McAuley made a mysoginistic comment which brought an agast gasp from those in the chamber (and obviously Women Don't Matter) he was made to apologise for his remark. At the end of the meeting he tried to withdraw his apology saying he didn't make the comment in the first place. Madam Mayor refused to let him withdraw his apology. I must say, whilst on the subject of Madam Mayor, whilst I do bang on about the financial waste at SMBC, I feel sending her and Councillor Embonpoint on that four day Brian Blessed Voice Projection Course was perhaps something which should not have been proceeded with. I jumped out of my skin every time she opened her mouth -
Councillor Derbyshire, though Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council during this time, couldn't admit any blame for the loss or failure to properly oversee -
So with the help of Councillor Peter Burns, Councillor Nottingham, Councillor Sylvia Humphreys and the Women Don't Matter councillor, Patrick McAuley, the LibDems were off the hook. I wonder whether these same independents will prop up these incompetent LibDems when the next financial scandal rears its head -
I also understand that the management of ISSK is currently in difficulty and stands accused of management incompetence by Unison. SSK and ISSK have the same M.D. -
There is a strong body of opinion nationally against the creation of subsidiary companies to run operating functions. How many such companies do we have and will this trend continue in the light of the SSK and ISSK experience? I asked Councillor Derbyshire this on the 5th of November 2012. It is unlikely she will ever respond, or even listen.
Town Hall Protester
Finally, for those of you following the scandal of Mr Parnell, the town hall protester, Mr Barry Khan, the Council Solicitor still hasn't sorted out his simple-
Comments of a wise council taxpayer (not mine, of course)
" It makes me uneasy to think of the tradition which is that nothing ever gets done and wrongs are not righted because inertia is such a powerful force. Problem shelved/got rid of "on a nod" -
So, all in all what did we learn from last night's meeting? What we knew already -
If you have been, thanks for listening.
Dateline 08/11/12
The Council has to implement the Access to Information Regulations. I suppose they will ignore them as they ignore everything else under dubious Council Solicitor Barry Khan and dubious Council Leader, Sue Derbyshire:-
I learn with great delight that Stockport Council's District Auditor, Tim Watkinson, has stepped down. Yippee, good news I found it simple, as an experiment, to get information on the Trident Nuclear Weapons Programme but almost impossible to get any information from Watkinson.
There are reports issued to the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee every month regarding the Council's use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (the Council's use of directed surveillance and covert human intelligence resources). I shall ask to see them with names blacked out for Data Protection. It will be interesting to see what is going on in this regard in Stockport. This is supposing, Eamonn Boylan, Chief Executive, Barry Khan, Council Solicitor, and Councillor Derbyshire, who all preside over the Schweinerei going on in Stockport will allow the reports to be released. With their track records I doubt they will.
The SEMMMS "consultation" on the proposed M56 to A6 Bypass is currently underway.
"People attending the bypass "consultations" were staggered by the lack of knowledge from the representatives -
Outside Sainsburys in Hazel Grove the effect of the new road is to reduce the A6 traffic by 17%.
The A6 traffic might be expected to use the new road to go up the A34 instead, and here the traffic rises by 23%.
I hardly think this makes a compelling case to build the road!
Jim McMahon became a non-
Jim McMahon
Director of Major Projects
Communities, Regeneration & Environment Directorate
Stockport Council
Office: 0161 474 4800
Mobile: 07800 618 223.
SK Solutions -
2.9.6 SSK is currently preparing a recovery plan aimed at addressing the balance sheet deficit brought forward into the current financial year. The primary aim will be to achieve at least a breakeven position in 2012/13 and recover the accumulated deficit over the next three to four years. The recovery plan will have implications for the Council, the details of which will be reported to the Executive and Scrutiny Committee in the near future. At this stage it is anticipated that, in line with previous practice, the Council will fund any redundancy costs associated with the Company meeting its financial targets. Early indications suggest that such redundancy costs could amount to around £0.5m during this year and 2013/14.
2.9.7 At the end of 2011/12, the Council established a £5m revenue reserve to ensure that SSK could continue to trade as a going concern. It is recommended that £0.5m of that reserve now be specifically earmarked to meet the redundancy costs associated with the delivery of SSK’s recovery plan. In addition approval is sought to release funding from the reserve to meet the costs of the investigations undertaken by Cobbetts and KPMG, the final costs of which are estimated to be £0.250m. These, once approved, will be reflected in the quarter three report."
Yet another full Council Meeting:-
2) Why are the payments probably being made to the owners of Offerton Precinct come December being kept secret? Surely protecting the commercial interests of such a company is now out of the question.
She said she would protect their commercial interests.
Councillor Derbyshire again refused to answer any question about the financial irregularities amounting to over £5 million at NPS and the Toxic Waste Dump School. She is going to send me her reasons, which I will post up here should I ever receive them:-
Councillor Rictus-
ISSK Arms Length Management Organisation of Stockport Council is apparently still not a sustainable business.
Mercifully, the contribution by Councillor Paid-
Councillor Inkompetentenchemiker's depressing demeanour was, as always, that of an undertaker suffering from chronic, septic, weeping piles. What on earth is the point of Councillor Inkompetentenchemiker's presence in the Council Chamber?
What is happening with the old Post Office sorting office:-
Meanwhile, Salford-
The 370,000 sq ft project will be on the 12-
Mike Horner, a regional director at Muse Developments, said: “We are working with Stockport council to deliver a new high-
Stockport Sports Trust
There may well be accounting discrepancies at Stockport Sports Trust -
St Peter's Square
This is a new 1950s-
Fees -
Construction -
Construction -
Construction -
Construction -
Construction -
Construction -
Construction -
Construction -
Traffic Wardens (or Civil Enforcement Officers)
There are at present 16
For year 2011-
What fiscal benefit do they bring to the tax payers?
The income from Penalty Charge Notices for 2011-
Since inception, by how much have "civil matters", within their remit, has been reduced?
At present no ‘compliance monitoring’ is carried out to assess levels of unlawful parking. Penalty Charge Notice issuing levels have fluctuated over the years but this is not considered to give any measure of compliance.
Against what yardstick is their performance measured?
There is no single ‘yardstick’ or performance indicator by which CEO performance is measured, and there are no national comparisons. A wide range of measures are used; some regularly and some for specific one-
Who assesses their performance?
Performance is assessed by their line-