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Another of the 'visionaries' changing the face of beautiful Cheshire green belt for ever.
Councillor Weldon was a biology and physics teacher at Longdendale Community Language College. He left this position at the end of December 2012. He had previously worked as an NHS clinical scientist. His wife is a Professor at Manchester University Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences. She is a lecturer in Virology and Immunology at Manchester University, in the Clinical Sciences Building of the MRI. He lives at 24 Central Drive in Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 4PE.
Councillor Weldon was orphaned at 11 and has two separate long term and permanent debilitating medical conditions, one of which causes constant pain and the other severely reduces his life expectancy, so he tells me. He has an arthritic shoulder and diabetes.
He occasionally on Saturday mornings volunteers to give lectures on microbiology, virology, viroids and history and politics to gifted teenagers for the NAGC.
He is a governor at Vale View School, North Reddish, which is surprising because he was one of the councillors responsible for putting this large primary school on unremediated brown asbestos, a decision which will lead to the disablement and possible early death from mesothelioma of young children and babies. Councillor Weldon has allowed the wishes of Sport England regarding the sporting facilities at this school to be completely ignored. He was instrumental in building the school too small, an inexplicable decision which constitutes an offence under the Fraud Act 2006:-
(1)A person is in breach of this section if he—
(a)dishonestly makes a false representation, and
(b)intends, by making the representation—
(i)to make a gain for himself or another, or
(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
(2)A representation is false if—
(a)it is untrue or misleading, and
(b)the person making it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading.
(3)“Representation” means any representation as to fact or law, including a representation as to the state of mind of—
(a)the person making the representation, or
(b)any other person.
(4)A representation may be express or implied.
(5)For the purposes of this section a representation may be regarded as made if it (or anything implying it) is submitted in any form to any system or device designed to receive, convey or respond to communications (with or without human intervention)."
At the consultation for the toxic waste dump school 78% of respondents cited concerns about traffic. The traffic reports were not available at consultation, which is a standard SMBC ruse, and at no point subsequently were the concerns over traffic addressed. Councillor Weldon maintained it was "vexatious" of me even to raise the issue.
Within weeks of the opening of the toxic waste dump school the police had complained about the dangerous traffic situation. To this day, Weldon as an Executive Councillor, maintains that it is "vexatious" of me to raise this issue -
At the planning committee decision stage, the Council admitted the drop off facilities were inadequate. Their solution was to provide a drop off turning circle in which the Council has stated that parents both would and would not be allowed to park. The Council doesn't own the land on which the turning circle would be placed. They had the opportunity to Compulsory Purchase that land at the same time as CPOing other land for the school, but declined due to the fact that adding in the turning circle land would take the amount of public open space being taken to that which would necessitate a public inquiry, which the Council knew they would lose.
So, there is no solution to the dangerous traffic situation and all questions on the matter are still banned. Councillor Weldon, as we have seen, has scant regard for the safety of young children.
Regarding the special report by Jennifer Williams on 08/09/2010:-
it is inconceivable that the school would actually be built following "failure to detect toxics" -
The Council had commissioned soil tests and found no contamination! There was the influence of the Government grant of £2.2 million already in the till and even spent on something else. But more soil tests, only carried out because the Council had to prove to a diversion of footpath public inquiry that the site was not contaminated found a variety of chemicals -
Contracters then sifted the deadly material by hand -
Come on! How could they recognise the material, especially when the experts couldn't?
The excellent local MP Andrew Gwynne said they were spending money to save face because the site had to be used.
Councillor Mark Weldon stated the Council had "no responsible alternative". Well I never! Responsible to whom? Certainly not the council taxpayers.
Thank you for your email dated 26th February about asbestos in schools.
The Department for Education (DfE) does take the issue of managing asbestos seriously but you will be aware that the responsibility for managing the risks from Asbestos Containing Materials under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 falls to those responsible for the maintenance and repair of school buildings. For schools, this will be the local authority or the school governors in most cases.
DfE is aware of the report published by the Asbestos in Schools Group (AiS) and has regular contact with its members. AiS is part of the Department’s Asbestos in Schools Steering Group that developed on-
In addition, DfE has asked the independent Committee on Carcinogenicity (CoC) to consider and report upon the relative vulnerability of children to asbestos compared with adults. DfE has made a commitment to review its policy on asbestos when the CoC report is published.
The Education Select Committee also held a one off Inquiry into asbestos in schools on 13 th March (which can be viewed on the Parliament website). Any recommendations received from the ESC will also help to shape developments. Alongside this, DfE liaises as necessary with the HSE as it is the lead regulator and enforces the duty to manage asbestos in non-
Your correspondence has been allocated reference number 2013/0014396. If you need to respond to us, please visit
Yours sincerely,
Brendan Beckett
Central Capital Unit
Dear Councillor Weldon
As a governor of Vale View School you are legally responsible for for managing the risks from Asbestos Containing Materials -
This is fitting because you are the Executive Councillor responsible for putting this 550 pupil primary school on unremediated brown asbestos.
I draw your attention to the video above, which shows a failure to remove brown asbestos from the toxic waste dump school site. I am in a position to prove this video is of that site in case you wish to dispute that fact. I have drawn your attention to this lethal situation many times, which you branded as "vexatious" of me and you still do.
I look forward to your comments of how you intend to proceed and will post up this email and any reply from you on your Internet profile page of my website.
Kind regards
Councillor Weldon has stated for years that it is "vexatious" of me to have raised issues of drainage on the toxic waste dump school site. Had this been carried out correctly it would have cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, according to the Council's own documents. It wasn't carried out correctly as the photographs below taken on 16th March 2013. This is the community's football pitch (although there are no goal posts and no white lines on the pitch)
Councillor Weldon still maintains that it is "vexatious" of me to ask questions about the drainage of this site. Is Councillor Weldon a suitable person to hold public office? I merely ask.
"About Mark Weldon
Born in 1962, Mark Edward Weldon is a British director who undertook his first directorship role 6 years ago at the age of 44. His first directorship was with a company called "Weldon Consulting Ltd", where his position was listed as "CON". His most recent non-
"Born in 1962, Pamela Josephine Weldon is a British director who undertook their first directorship role 6 years ago at the age of 45. Their first directorship was with a company called "Weldon Consulting Ltd", where their position was listed as "CON". Their most recent non-