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West Exe College, Devon


Email sent to Carillion 21/03/13 at 07.56

Dear Trisha

Can you please advise me the current status of the subject title please
with thanks

Kind regards

Alan M Dransfield

Polite reminder please ref my request for a copy of the Lightning Risk Assessment reports for all 6 PFI schools in Exeter.


Email sent 21/02/13 at 07.48

Attn Headteacher

What is the latest status of the dangerous tree please.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield

Can you please include an inspection of this dangerous tree during your next school visit. The reason I believe this falls under your remit is because you have declared conkers is a dangerous game to play.  Hence, I must assume walking and playing near a 50foot dangerous tree offers similar lifethreatning dangers !


"Attn Mr Tony Hogg.Devon Police Comissioner
Dear Mr Hogg
I wish to draw your attention to a situation where I feel Devon County Council are failing their duty of Care to Protect the Health and Safety of the general public and school children at the West Exe College .
Please see the following photograph of a mature tree at the West Exe College in Cowick Lane, on which, the DCC have posted a Public Notice requiring the owner of the said tree to Contact the DCC.
It is obvious from this Public Notice contents that the DCC have considered this particular mature tree as DANGEROUS and are recommending "REMEDIAL" works to be carried out.
It is FAIRLY obvious to any person applying a right and proper mind that this tree belongs to the West College because the said tree is INSIDE the West Exe College Grounds, on the opposite side of the Boundary Fence along Cowick Lane
As you are aware, the Devon Police Authority are currently conducting a criminal Investigation at the West Exe college, hence,  I recommend this tree debacle is included in your fraud investigation.
This DCC Public Notice confirms the tree is dangerous, hence immediate action should be taken .
Whether or not this is an April Fools joke I know not,  but the photograph is very real and the tree looks very sick.  Hence, it might fall down as a dozen kids are passing underneath!
By the way, this notice is NOT dated -  hence I have no idea when the 28days expires!!
with thanks
Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

NB Ben Bradshaw"

West Exe by Shopping Sidekick Plugin" href=""Technology College
Hatherleigh Road
Devon EX2 9JU
Attn Vicki Cara/Acting Headteacher
Dear Madam
I wish to draw your attention to a serious Health and Safety Hazard which currently compromises the Safety of your staff & students and the general public.
Please see the following photograph, which I took yesterday whilst walking down Cowick Lane.
It would appear from this Public Notice served by the Devon County Council (DCC) that they are uncertain of the owners of the tree.
It is consistently obvious that the West Exe College are the rightful owners of the tree, as it is on the inside of your Boundary fence.
The Public Notice is clearly an advanced health and safety warning of imminent danger. Unfortunately, the DCC did not date the Public Notice.
The worst case scenario is this very mature tree could collapse onto a group of children, staff or members of the public.
I fully appreciate you are only acting as stand-in Headteacher but the vicarious liability of this dangerous tree is your responsibility.
Can you please advise me the current status of this dangerous tree; have you reported ownership of the tree, do you dispute ownership of the tree, when will the remedial safety works take place etc.?
I look forward to your response
with thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
Concerned Member of the Public


From: Vicki Carah <>
Date: 21 January 2013 10:11:10 GMT
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>, Sue Wayland <>
Subject: Dangerous Tree

Dear Mr Dransfield
Thank you for your e-mail expressing concerns about the dangerous tree within the West Exe Technology College grounds.
As the school is a PFI school such matters are the responsibility of Carillion, our PFI contractors. We alerted them to our concerns at 0844 on 16/1/13 and are assured that the matter is in hand.
I share your concerns about the possible dangers of a collapse and am grateful to you for passing these on.
Kind regards
Vicki Carah


Dear Mr Bradshaw
Please see the prompt response from the West Exe Headteacher but my biggest fear now is that Carillion will not take this matter seriously as their track record at the Exeter PFI schools is abysmal e.g. The contaminated drinking water at StPeters school is still ongoing .
I call upon my MP to write to the DCC to remove the imminent danger from the general public ASAP , if not sooner.

Alan M Dransfield


Dear Vicki
Thank you for your very prompt response which is appreciated.
I have spoken to Carillion today@16/45 and gave them details of the dangerous tree. However, I am mindful of Carillion's woeful track record on PFI school maintenance e.g. It took them 7 years to resolve the poisonous drinking water at St Peters school and its still not fully resolved.
Bearing this in mind, I have requested Ben Bradshaw to contact the DCC as a matter of urgency on this matter as I feel it should be treated as a matter of extreme urgency owing to the imminent H & S dangers with the tree and identified by the DCC.
The worst case scenario is this tree falls onto children or members of the public.
May I ask when you became aware of this tree please because there is no date onthe DCC public notice
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
NB Ben Bradshaw
May I suggest you phone the DCC ASAP because we have had one death caused by a falling tree in the last 3 months and I cannot accept the Carillion snail pace as acceptable where lifethreatning dangers are apparent.


Email from Alan Dransfield to West Exe College 4th February 2012 at 07.58

"Attn The Headmistress of the West Exe College
Dear Madam,
I note with considerable concern that the Safety Remedial works to the Dangerous Tree at your school has NOT yet been completed. Can you please advise me what is the main cause of the delay. Shall we wait until we need body bags before we take this matter seriously.
with thanks
yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield
It took Carillion 7 years to rectify the Contaminated Water at St Peters school,hence, I guess I should be more patient?!"

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Turner Trisha <> wrote:
Dear Alan
Further to your phone call yesterday, I am emailing to let you know this issue is already being dealt with by our Contractors, it is all in hand.
Trisha Turner I Helpdesk Administrator
Carillion Local Government Services

From: alan dransfield
To: Rick Jolley
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: H&S concerns at West Exe

Hi Rick
I note the tree works have NOT yet started?!
Best regards
Could you please provide me with a copy of your Lightning Risk Assessment Report.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Rick Jolley <> wrote:
Dear Mr Dransfield,
Having checked the latest situation with the tree I can confirm that Carillion and their parent group (Modern Schools Exeter) are fully aware of the situation. They have in turn been in contact with both Devon and their landscape contractor who has been asked to carry out the appropriate remedial work. I am assured once the relevant permissions have been received from Highways (who raised the initial concern) the work will be carried out.
Regarding the other matter that you have raised there are no on-going problems with stones on the rugby pitch. We have been making regular use of the pitch for PE lessons and sports matches for more than 5 years.
Yours sincerely
Rick Jolley
Deputy Headteacher

The information transmitted in this e-mail is intended only for the person, persons, entity, or entities to which it is addressed. It does not necessarily represent the views of West Exe Technology College and may contain confidential and/or privileged materials.

In the case of confidential and/or privileged materials, any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking of any action in reliance upon these materials, by persons or entities other than the intended recipient may be the subject of legal action.

If you receive an email in error from West Exe Technology College please contact the sender and delete the material from your computer. Thank you.

Email sent by Alan Dransfield 9th February 2013 at 21.05

Attn the Headmistress Vicki Cara

Dear Vicki

May I please enquire about the current status of the dangerous tree in Cowick Lane. I had an email from the DCC Highways this week enquiring the location of the tree, which I find a wee bit strange because it is a DCC Public Notice pinned on the tree!

May I take this opportunity in ask you if your school has undertaken a Lightning Risk Assessment. If so ,would you be so kind as to send me a copy please.

With thanks

Yours sincerely

Alan M Dransfield

Email to Ben Bradshaw MP at 07.46 on 5th February 2012

Dear Mr Bradshaw
I am getting increasingly concerned for public safety with the apparent delays ref the subject title and I urge you to phone or email the DCC with a view for them to remove this tree as a matter of urgency and charge the owners.
Or would you rather wait until we have the body bags lined up on the pavement?!.
For your information,action and files
with Thanks
Alan M Dranfield


Email from Mr Alan Dransfield to Ben Bradshaw MP sent on 11th February 2013 at 17.28

Dear Mr Bradshaw

I note the dangerous tree has not yet been removed. You will recall it took Carillion 7 years to rectify the contaminated water at St Peters College.

I called into the West Exe college today after school hours to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher about the subject title and the lightning defects; unfortunately ,she had finished work.

With thanks

Alan M Dransfield


Email sent by Alan Dransfield on 15th February 2013 at 14.02

Attn Viki Cara. Headteacher at the West Exe School

Dear Viki

As you are aware, I called into your school on Monday at 16.15hrs but unfortunately you had left work. The receptionist took my telephone number and assured me you would ring me asap. Unfortunately, you have not rung me this week, hence, I am now of the opinion you are not taking this matter seriously.

At this this juncture, NO ACTION has been taken to remove the dangerous tree near Hatherleigh Junct.

According to the Devon County Council  sign on the treeit is dangerous, and the 28 day warning notice is still stuck on the tree!! 28 days from WHEN?

In my view, YOU should be kicking doors down at the DCC and Carillion but you appear to have taken the ostrich stance on this matter. Shall we wait until body bags are required before you take any action?

Best Regards

Alan M Dransfield
NB Ben Bradshaw.
The headteeacher at the West Exe College appear to be taking the Ostrich stance as well.


Email sent by Alan Dransfield on 22nd February 2013 at 20.32

Attn the Headteacher of the West Exe College

Dear Madam

That's another week gone by and the dangerous tree is STILL a dangerous tree. Its now fairly obvious to me that neither you or the DCC or Carillion take Health & Safety issues seriously. It is also fairly apparent your school has no risk assessment plans in place.

Alan M Dransfield


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